Weaving Welsh Stories with Tamar Williams
Tamar Brings the Magic of Myth to MPYT
This Autumn term, the brilliant storyteller Tamar Williams ran some workshops for our Big and Little MPYTers, focused on myths, legends and the spoken word. This change of pace was welcomed by our teens, who are used to fast paced improvisation, witty comebacks and complicated ensemble games. Tamar brought a reflective calmness to the room, introducing the class with a classic Welsh story. Usually raring to get on their feet, the group sat raptly listening, fully engaged in her words and absorbed in the world she created.
'I tell stories in Welsh and English and sometimes a bit of both. My repertoire consists mostly of Welsh myths, legends, and folktales, as well as stories from the wider Celtic, British, and European mythologies and folklores. I work with these stories in lots of different ways: telling them from memory in schools, festivals, museums and theatres, creating new shows for adult and family audiences, running storytelling workshops, and writing and directing for theatre.' - Tamar
Weaving Welsh Words
Tamar's eloquence captivated the minds of our MPYTers, and it was no time before they were creating stories of their own, becoming collaborators in the myths and legends from our history. We witnessed the emergence of new stories told from the younger generations, with uniquely personal references, cultural influences and pride.
Some explored their Scottish heritage; or delved into the world of Greek gods; or connected with their Celtic roots; others seamlessly incorporated the Welsh language into their work. Over the two weeks, enthusiasm only grew, with our members bringing in stacks of books to share with the group - tales of Norse Gods, classic Welsh folktales, and nostalgic stories from their childhoods.
We all came away with the understanding that these stories are not relics of the past, but living, breathing parts of who we are today. They are meant to be spoken, rewritten, and shared across generations—honoring the past while creating new connections and meanings in the present.
Tamar will definitely be returning to MPYT in the New Year...
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