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MPYT is back!

Little MPYT joins the schedule

It's a new year, and our reintroduction of our Little MPYT workshops for 10-13 year olds has proved to be a huge success!

With membership growing to 20 participants so far, this year promises to be a creatively chaotic one for our leaders, Bethan and Tamar...

The energetic young actors, as it turns out, are naturals at improv! With our professional leaders guiding them, their skills will only continue to deveop over the term.

Big MPYT is growing...

Our Big MPYTers are throwing themselves into improv, script-work, devising and (of course) lots of fun theatre games! With new members joining the pack, our MPYT family is ever-growing and evolving.

All our MPYT workshops are run by professional theatre makers as well as:

Trainee Facilitators From our MPYT+ programme will also be assisting the sessions; they are ex-members themselves and are there to welcome and support you and get you settled in.

The MPYT+ Debut

Our first MPYT+ session for young people aged 19-29 was a delight! Run by our very own Ralph Bolland, our young thespians played some (pretty intense) games before embarking on some much anticipated script reading. 

This month's script was 'Let the RIght One in' by Jack Thorne. The group explored roles, discussed motivations of characters and started looking at staging.

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