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Stories from our Alumni

‘MPYT was hugely influential in the development of my career in the creative industries, a really creative stepping stone to going to film school; an experience that instilled a deep love of and insight into acting that has played out in different ways in my life, from working with actors as a director to speaking to 500 people. Growing up in a very rural environment MPYT was a beacon of hope and inspiration for a young person who wanted to be creative but couldn't quite see how to develop a career being creative. MPYT was vital to so many of us. I am now working as a head of communications, arts and engagement after 20 years in film and tv. Thank-you MPYT.’ - Kimo Morrison

‘Being a part of MPYT for 6 years as a young person supported me to gain confidence in myself and my abilities. It taught me about working together as a community to create impressive pieces of theatre/art, and the drive, commitment and focus needed to do so. I hold being a part of MPYT as one of the greatest life changing experiences that shaped who I am today, it gave me a community of people who celebrated each other for our differences, and friendships which are still going strong 17 years after leaving. Every young person in a rural area like Mid-Wales deserves to have a powerful opportunity like MPYT offers to express themselves through art and build a community of celebration and acceptance.’ - Sadie Pearce

‘MPYT showed me what it felt like to be treated as an equal and "young adult". Feeling truly supported by peers and adults alike was a really unique and valuable experience to have whilst growing up and not something that we could get in a school environment. It helped me develop my own confidence greatly, improve my social skills and gave me the opportunity to make new friends with people I might not have otherwise socialised with. As well as the many social benefits, attending MPYT showed me how to work effectively as part of a team and the importance of valuing others' work and contributions.’ - Rebecca

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