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Any Questions? 

So, we’ve thought through some of the questions you might have about MPYT and tried to answer them as clearly as possible below. If we’ve missed anything just drop us a line or give us a ring. 

When & Where

Big MPYT (14-19yrs) meets on Tuesday evenings during term times:

Centre Celf,
 Tremont Road, 
Llandrindod Wells,
 LD1 5EB

 7:15 pm - 8:45pm (in line with the T4 bus to and from Brecon)

During production periods additional rehearsals are called as required.

Little MPYT (9-13yrs) meets on Tuesday evenings during term times: 

Centre Celf,
 Tremont Road,
 Llandrindod Wells,
 LD1 5EB 
5:30 - 6.30pm

MPYT + (19-29 yrs) meets on the last Sunday of the month 

Centre Celf,
 Tremont Road,
 Llandrindod Wells,
 LD1 5EB 3:30-5:30pm.

You can also come along to our Big MPYT sessions but you will need us to do some safeguarding stuff with us first email for more info.

GetOffTheStage! Programme offers a chance to work backstage on a production alongside professional set and costume designers, lighting or sound designers and all things technical. So when we have a production (usually at least once a year) there are always opportunities for you to learn on the job. We have have had lots of people go on to leading courses and into the profession off the back of these experiences, so this is a great chance to see if it is for you.


What happens in a MPYT session?

A typical MPYT session – outside of production rehearsals – involves theatre games, exercises, devising challenges; voice; movement; improv; theatre styles; scriptwork; stagecraft; ensemble-building; trust & focus games; and other stuff like physical theatre; mask-work; design; puppetry; circus; singing; stage-combat and more. 

We also do a lot of brainstorming for our members' ideas and feedback.  We think about the work we’re exploring or thinking about and the ideas about the world that throws up.  We also explore thoughts and ideas or how we can run or develop the company for our young members.  This tends to be the same format across the different groups or programmes that we’ve talked about. 

Do I need to be a ‘good’ actor to be a member?

No! What even is that? Who decides? Not us! (MPYT never auditions). Whoever or whatever you are, you’re unique. That’s what we want you to bring to the Company: along with a willingness to learn, be curious, to work hard and have fun.

So MPYT isn’t a Youth Club?

No, it’s not. There’s a lot of fun to be had at MPYT,  but the enjoyment comes from making high-quality theatre together – either for public performance or just because we want to. So, we ask that you come each week: be punctual and ready to play. (Theatre is all about play.) The more you put in, the more you get out. 

Who is it for?

Little MPYT: anyone aged 10-13 yrs, no matter what experience or ability. 

Big MPYT: anyone aged 14-19, no matter what experience or ability.

MPYT+: anyone age 19-29 who still wants to play! with chances to do some professional development too if you wish.

GetOffTheStage!: usually offered to those in the Young Company interested in other aspects of theatre.


How much does it cost?

New members can come along to 2 sessions risk free. If you decide you like it you can subscribe:

Little and Big MPYT:  Subs are £60 per term (approx 11 weekly classes, so around £5 a session).

MPYT + £5 a session.

This money doesn’t cover our costs – and it’s intended to be affordable for as many as possible.  


No Young Person is excluded from joining MPYT through an inability to pay.

Concessions and full exemptions are available. Any Young Person who’s keen to be in MPYT can come along. You can chat to us - in full confidence - about hardship.

We have several bursary places available for each term: register for a bursary here.

Get in touch

Contact us:

by email:

phone/text: 07810 350 994

on FB/Messenger: @midpowysyt

or leave a message here

Get in Touch

Got a question, want to participate or perhaps would you like to help out. Please click below to get in touch.

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